Get ready for the 4th Rugg Reuion !
We are changing the date from Sunday July 29,2007 to Sunday Augusta 26,2007
Time: We will be setting up the food at noon and eating at 1:00
We will arrive early to setup, so someone will be there if you come before 12 PM. So if anyone would like to help please feel free to do so.
For extra seating please bring your lawn chairs if possible. Also we are in need of lawn games. Bring you bats and mitts for a ballgame. Thanks in advance.
Please bring a dish to pass and table service for your group. We will be serving ice water and ice tea this year. But if you would like soft drinks you will still have to bring your own.
We had such a good turn out last year! I just know this one is going to be great!
Also please sign the guest book if you have not already done so.