Rugg Family


Welcome to the
Samuel and Rosa Rugg Family
Home Page!

Here is some family history!

Samuel Rugg was born on April 05,1852 in LaGrance County Indiana.The son of John R Rugg and Jane Nelson.

He married Frances Jane Hart on July 31st 1875 in LaGrance Indiana. Together they had 6 children.Emma was born in 1876,she died ten years later.John F who was born on Nov.12 1879, Stella May born April04,1886 Enda J born Feb.1888 Sylvenus born 1890 and a baby girl born on Feb.22,1891 she died on March 9th ,1891 . Frances died on Feb 24,1891.

He then married Rosa Williamson on April 09,1896 in LaGrance County Indiana. Together they had 7 children Manuel born Oct 12,1897 Ora born in 1900, Elizabeth (Bessie) born on Nov.29,1901,Samuel born in 1905, Evia D. born on March 30th 1908, Cyrus born on Jan6th 1911, Aldo born Sept.19,1918.

Sam and Rosa moved from Lagrance area to the Battle Creek area around 1915. Were they stayed until there deaths. For more detailed info go to our new genolegy pages.


Please Sign The Guestbook

The guestbook will supply a lot of family information. You only put information in that you know. This is the fastest way to start collecting data on ALL the Rugg Generations, not just to the 3rd generation. It would be so nice to have each of you participate and help build our ancestry list.

To sign the guestbook, please click the link below. You can see previous guestbook entries by clicking VIEW at the bottom of the sign guestbook page.

July 30th 2006 Reunion RSVP and Guestbook

If you have already submitted an entry, or don't want to submit one, you can still view the guestbook entries by clicking on the following link:

Family Reunion Preparation

Get ready for the 4th Rugg Reuion !

 We are changing the date from Sunday July 29,2007 to Sunday Augusta 26,2007

Time: We will be setting up the food at noon and eating at 1:00


We will arrive early to setup, so someone will be there if you come before 12 PM. So if anyone would like to help please feel free to do so.

For extra seating please bring your lawn chairs if possible. Also we are in need of lawn games. Bring you bats and mitts for a ballgame. Thanks in advance.

Please bring a dish to pass and table service for your group. We will be serving ice water and ice tea this year. But if you would like soft drinks you will still have to bring your own.

We had such a good turn out last year! I just know this one is going to be great!

Also please sign the guest book if you have not already done so.


July 29, 2007 Reunion RSVP and Guestbook

Contact Us

If you have any suggestions for items to include on this website, please let me know :D
